Monday, 11 November 2013

Not lodging your tax returns? You might be missing out!

I have seen a huge amount of new clients over the last couple of months that, for some reason or another, have got behind in their taxes. While I do not encourage this and there are serious penalties imposed by the ATO, there are great benefits for sorting out your tax.

1. Peace of mind

A client of mine said that they drove past my tax signs every day to work and everytime they did so, they remembered they had to do their taxes. After seeing me they were amazed at how quick and easy the process was. They no longer had the niggling reminder every time they drove past my sign to lodge their taxes! I also had one client worried that they wouldn't let him leave the airport because he hadn't done his taxes. Whatever you might be worrying about in relation to your taxes, one of our friendly and understanding Accountants are here to help you and deal directly with the ATO on your behalf.

2. Tax Refunds

A lot of clients that I see receive tax refunds. Just in the last week I have helped clients receive thousands of dollars back in refunds for every year of tax outstanding. This was a complete surprise to some of them and they certainly won't be late with their tax returns in future! Its important to note that this isn't the case all the time and its best to contact us to discuss your situation.

3. Other factors

Not having up-to date taxes can affect other extremely important areas. Often Centrelink won't pay certain benefits, like the child care rebate or family tax benefits, if you and your partner have not lodged your tax returns each year. Also, its important when applying for loans that your taxes are up to date as the lender generally requires this information.

Flinders Accounting can help:

I've helped clients from all over Australia with their tax. Email me at to discuss your situation. I can generally access most of your payment summaries, bank account interest and some other forms of income from previous years within minutes.

Flinders Accounting offer a special fixed fee price to clients with outstanding tax returns.


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